Road Resealing
Posted on Aug 17th, 2019
The asphalt roads are scheduled to have cracks sealed and the pavement sealcoated starting Tuesday September 3rd.
The work will be done on 3 different days from Tuesday 9/3 to Tuesday 9/10 (weather permitting). On each of the 3 different days, a portion of the roadway will be recoated and unable to be driven on for 24 hours extending into the next day.
Additional Information, 8/26/2019:
Please see the attached REVISED schedule which shows a minor shift in Phase 2 and Phase 3. (Now Phase 2 includes the driveway for 1311 Ln. and Phase 3 includes the driveway for 1315 Ln.).
Please be reminded, driveways must be cleared of all potted plants, rocks, decorations, etc. AS WELL as vehicles on the days work in your sector is in progress and during the curing period.
Since the off-street parking will likely not provide sufficient spaces for those needing to relocate their car, please make arrangements with a neighbor in an untreated area to park in their driveway when your section is treated.
Also, the area adjacent to the barricades, when in place for each Phase, may provide additional space.
Let's hope the weather is sympathetic and we can finish this work soon.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
If you have questions, please contact Richard Lamb, Phone: 812-402-3500, Email:
For complete details, please see this Notice.